An Attendee's Take on the Governor's Cup in Basketball?
URI vs. Brown in football is always competitive in the annual "Governor's Cup" because both teams are amazingly horrendous.
URI vs Brown in basketball was competitive in 2015 because URI played with 7 scholarship players.
URI were TWENTY ONE AND A HALF POINT FAVORITES going into the URI vs. Brown game on November 16, 2016 at the Ryan Center.
So of course, with logic prevailing, Brown barely pulled off an enormous upset, with URI escaping with a 79-72 victory. Personally, I do not know if Steven Spieth absorbed all the magical powers from his brother Jordan Spieth but like Dan Hurley said, "I thought Spieth was the best player on the court."
In other news, URI did a mannequin challenge during one of the media timeouts in the second half and I made it the best mannequin challenge in the Northeast. Check out an attendee's personal Instagram account for the video of URI's boujee mannequin challenge (which was ruined by some dancing girl at the end).
All in all, I can't believe URI almost lost to the Bad News Bears because they could not defend a golfer's brother and could not score on a bunch of Spieths.
Look, even Steven's brother, Jordan Spieth agrees: