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An Attendee Reviews ....................... Equipment?

One of the few things that all college students agree on is that free stuff is good stuff. I tend to agree so I wanted to take a look at all of the free stuff (mostly) that URI students have accumulated by attending home basketball games (assuming they made it in time).

By year, URI student attendees will have collected the following items (in no particular order):

Freshman year: 1. A weird "I heart URI" towel from the Philanthropy Council that had the embroidered words chipping off

2. A nice wristband supporting the Katie DeCubellis Foundation

3. A "I heart URI" foam finger that fit no bigger than a 7-year's old hand

4. (Technicality) A Rhody Madness T-Shirt was advertised but never given out

5. A Rhody Ruckus T-Shirt

Sophomore year: 1. An actual URI towel with this university's actual logo on it

2. A pink URI "bandana" that was exactly like a book cover and had some small yellow stuff falling out of it if you didn't wrap it into a ball.

3. A surprisingly nice RI shirt with a simple design of the Ocean State covered in blue and blue wording, and the rest of the shirt kept in white.

4. The same "I heart URI" foam finger that fit no bigger than a 7-year's old hand

5. A plastic mask from the Dollar Store that was supposed to be representative of the mask Jarvis Garrett wore in the 2015-2016 season when he broke his jaw.

6. A Subway gift card, a Dunkin Donuts gift card, and a Panera gift card that all probably had legitimately $1 on them.

7. An extremely strange Dunkin Donuts foam hat that looked a lot like a wannabee Burger King crown.

Junior year: 1. A well-designed schedule on a poster

2. The same well-designed schedule that you can put on your refrigerator

3. A redesigned Rhody Ruckus T-shirt (after you paid the $10)

4. A "I heart URI" pennant

5. A Santa hat that had a nice URI logo on it, with everything on the inside of the hat attached with the use of a glue stick.

6. A pair of Beats by Dre headphones (For one giveaway winner at Rhody Madness)

7. A pair of Leslie Odom Jr. tickets (For one giveaway winner at Rhody Madness)

8. A pair of Chris Young tickets (For one giveaway winner at Rhody Madness - of course they never gave away a free pair of Lil Uzi tickets)

9. A slice of Kingston Pizza (At Fanfest before Rhody Madness) - Just know Kingston Pizza's version of garlic bread is hot dog buns with unevenly spread butter on them.

10. (Huge three-point foam fingers will be given out during the GW game on 1/31/17 that look well-designed after seeing them afar and in-person)

Overall, I'm glad to see that URI is improving what they give to students that attend the home games because,

About a URI Attendee

Hi, I attend URI basketball games religiously. I am also a pessimist. These 2 facts do not always mix cohesively. Read my articles to see why. 

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