Runnin Rhody's March Madness 2017- What's at Stake?
It's that time of the year again folks. March Madness is here and I have some festivities that I am sure you will all enjoy. I will be partnering with my friend over at @Rhody_Rams (on Twitter) to bring you these challenges. I have listed all of the rules and regulations, as well as a short description to go with the 2 huge challenges.
Number 1: For the Fans
ESPN Tournament Challenge: - Group Name: Runnin Rhody Rams
- Group Motto: "URI runs their way to the NCAA tournament"
- Group Entries Per User: 1
- Locking Rules: Locked - Brackets may leave/join group only before the Round of 64 begins
- Scoring: Standard ESPN Tournament Challenge scoring criteria
CBS Sports Bracket Games: - Group Name: Runnin Rhody Rams
- Group Motto: "URI runs their way to the NCAA tournament"
- Group Entries Per User: 1
- URL:
- Scoring: Standard CBS Sports Bracket Games scoring criteria
For all of our college basketball fans, friends, and family, be sure to partake in both of the bracket groups that will be active on ESPN and CBS Sports. We want people to do this for the fun of watching March Madness, first and foremost. Consequently, there will be "no prize" to start for the brackets that you, the fans, can partake in. With that said, it is 100% in our plans to put something together for the winner of the brackets. Just remember to have fun! (If we know you personally, we will message you personally once March Madness has concluded.)
Number 2: @LoveRI401 vs. @Rhody_Rams - An epic best-of-3 series
ESPN Tournament Challenge: Whoever scores the most points with their bracket in the "Runnin Rhody Rams" bracket group between @Rhody_Rams and I will win this first game.
CBS Sports Bracket Games: Whoever scores the most points with their bracket in the "Runnin Rhody Rams" between @Rhody_Rams and I will win this second game.
The NIT: @Rhody_Rams and I will both select one team in the NIT that we believe will win the entire NIT tournament. The winner of this third game will be whoever picks the team that gets the furthest in the NIT. The first to select their NIT team will be whoever wins the coin toss (which should be recorded and posted on Twitter). If both selected NIT teams make it to the same round when they are eliminated, the winner will be whoever's selected NIT team scores the most points while playing in the NIT.
The Tiebreaker: In case, @Rhody_Rams and I get the exact same score in the ESPN Tournament Challenge or the CBS Sports Bracket games, we will pick one team in the CBI that we believe will win the entire CBI tournament. The winner of this tiebreaker will be whoever picks the team that gets the furthest in the CBI. The first to select their CBI team will be whoever wins the coin toss. If both selected CBI teams make it to the same round when they are eliminated, the winner will be whoever's selected CBI team scores the most points while playing in the CBI.
(THE WINNER: Winner will be whoever wins 2 out of the 3 aforementioned tasks.)
The consequences of @Rhody_Rams (or me) losing this best-of-3 series:
The loser has to do 2 things. First, they must write a featured article on how great the winner's twitter is and how great they are as a person. This particular article will be published right here on this blog. Second, they must write an article (also published on this blog) about 10 crazy/weird things they have witnessed or been a part of while they have been a URI student. The 10 experiences must be written in full-detail (therefore, we will try to keep it PG-rated).
*Any failure by the loser to do either of these things will result in the winner choosing an even worse punishment.*