Pick the More Iconic Trio: University of Rhode Island Edition - Results
In accordance with the "Pick the More Iconic Trio: University of Rhode Island Edition" article from May 23, 2017, I ran a Twitter poll to see if the fans believe that the trio of Ramettes Samantha Schaller, Erica Vetere, and Rachel DiAntonio or the trio of Rhode Island MBB players, Jared Terrell, E.C. Matthews, and Jarvis Garrett are more iconic than one another. After a full 24 hours, the results show that the Rhode Island fan base believes that Jared Terrell, E.C. Matthews, and Jarvis Garrett are more iconic. Rhode Island fans really do value their college basketball team. With that said, I have to give credit to the three Ramettes after they raced out to an early 10 to 1 vote lead and they will continue to do great things in the future.